University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Grigore T. Popa” Iaşi

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This report results from the evaluation of University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Grigore T. Popa” from Iaşi. The evaluation took place in the year 2012, within the framework of Performance in Research, Performance in Teaching – Quality, Diversity, and Innovation in Romanian Universities, a strategic project which aims at strengthening core elements of Romanian universities' management, such as their autonomy and administrative competences, by improving their quality assurance and management proficiency.

Such evaluations are taking place within the context of major reforms in the Romanian higher education system, and specifically in accordance with the provisions of the 2011 Education Act and the various related normative documents. Whilst institutional evaluations are taking place in the context of an overall reform, each university is being assessed by an independent team, under the authority of Institutional Evaluation Programme.

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